Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a lil' update

Yeah thank God finally I've done my FYP presentation yesterday, with my last three exams in NUS. Graduation is a happy-and-sad moment for me... But thank God for all of these four years. I just received a call from my mom today when I was mugging in the library. My dad, mom, and my younger brother and sister will be coming to Singapore for my Commencement Ceremony! Sadly my younger brother who's studying in Japan couldn't come since his holiday will only start in August. But that's okay since he's also planning to fly home in August, so I can still catch him up back in Jakarta. That's not the happiest thing which I would like to share.

For the past 3 years since the first time I became a born-again Christian, I've been praying for my dad. My relationship with him was very bad since I was still in junior high until one time I stopped talking to him, at all.... I found he was really selfish and unreasonable as a father. However, as time went by and as I came to my faith in Jesus, I was reminded that he is after all a father who has brought me into this current state. And yes, I prayed for God to help me to restore my relation with my dad.. And yes, miraculously, maybe after 3 years, I started to talk to him and forgive him, and also asked for his forgiveness... And one more thing, I also prayed that he will come into faith in Jesus, I prayed for a chance for me to share Gospel with him, I prayed so that I can be a living witness to him and to my own family. It is tough, it is not easy, but in the last 3 years I have seen that God is really working!

Several years back, my aunt brought my dad to come to her church service. From that point onwards, my dad started to show his interest in hearing preachings in radio and TV. Although he rarely, very rarely go to church again after that. My mom has a habit of listening to a Christian radio station in Jakarta every night before going to bed. She likes to listen to various sermons and praise and worship songs. Inevitably, my dad also listened to those sermons which my mom listened to. And the seeds that God has planted grew over time...

In that phone call, my mom said, "your dad has actually believed in Jesus, but he is just too lazy to go for catechism.." I was surprised to hear that he has actually believed in... I felt on my knee, thank God for the wonderful works that He has done, it is always amazing to see how God works.. although I haven't had a chance to share the Gospel personally to my dad, but God has already started working through the sermons in the radio, in TV, and through the faithfulness of my mom... and the first thing which I will do when I reach Jakarta is to hug him! to talk to him and share how happy I was to hear the news, and to share God's everlasting and wonderful grace...


Yuku said...


wah, peluk ^^

Johannes Ardiant Harlie said...

minta dipeluk jg dong! ha3

Sutayasa said...

wah, i feel happy for you Jo!!
i am still waiting the same thing happening for my mom though.